Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Project

I'm giving myself a job.  It's non-paying (for now), it's total fly-by-night guerilla art (for now), it may even be a little busted/janky/whack (for now), but it's a gig.  That I'm giving myself.  Because I need to create something and put it out into the world.  And so it begins...the 50numbers project.

It's October 2009.  Based on this totally arbitrary date, I'm going to choreograph a dance number for each of the Tony-award winning Best Musicals of the past 50 years.  No timeframe.  No guidelines.  Not chronological.  Just bouncing around as the spirit moves me.  But I'll hit them all.  From A Chorus Line to The Wiz, I'll knock them out.  No excuses.

The only rule is that I have to do at least one dance from each show on the list.  No doubling up (ie Cabaret and Fosse in one fell swoop).  And I'll keep going until I hit all 50 or people start hitting me with copyright lawsuits.  Which they shouldn't.  Because this is not for profit.  And it's educational.  And it's helping out of work dancer people be artistic and creative and refine their craft.  Who'd wanna harsh that buzz?  

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