Thursday, December 10, 2009

2 months later and ...?

Wow.  So some time has passed.  And still no videos.  What gives?

I've been busy-ish in my personal life.  Out of town for a wedding, got a part-time job which is consuming more time than I'd like.  Auditions.  Etc.  But really those are just excuses.  What's really been happening is that I've been a little terrified about putting myself out there.

See it all began with the conception of the first video.  I decided it'd be fun to start with a solo which I'd dance myself.  The song was going to be "Purpose" from Avenue Q.  I thought it was an appropriate sentiment with which to start this choreographic journey.  It's that 'little flame that lights a fire under your ass.'  And then I started to get locked.  I got terrified of people judging me, both as a choreographer and as a performer.  On the plus side, if the first video was only me, then every successive video would be able to progress in scale and complexity.  On the minus, it was a ton of pressure to deliver.  

Too much.  I kept procrastinating and procrastinating, but then I realized that this is a self-imposed project.  Screw starting with "Purpose."  If I get blocked, let's chip away from another angle.  So that's what I'm doing.  First concept abandoned, time to reassess.  Time to get the first number up and out there, whatever it may be!

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